New Year New Strategies

New Year New Strategies


How you build and review your strategy varies. You can see which areas may have drained you in the last year when reviewing your expenses. You might find that your packaging and distributing costs were outrageous or too much to justify doing on your own. Maybe your end-user gave feedback that your packaging was inconvenient or took a lot of time to sort.

We do know that strategy and planning isn’t about perfection. In 2020 we learned that we have to roll with the punches and adapt to make the best out of every situation. Component Packaging embraced change this year, and we’ve helped many of our old and new clients do so as well.


We offer kitting, assembly, quality control, sorting, hand packaging, reworks, heat shrinking, and boxing. Let’s emphasize boxing, packaging, and assembly for a second. When you have us thread a nut onto a bolt, that could save precious time for your end-user. We can kit together packs for certain parts of a job, cabinet hardware, for example, for each job!

When you don’t have a boxing and packaging line in your facility, you save space, and you can utilize your employee’s strengths in other departments.  This also assists in times of sickness. COVID has reduced the workforce or caused shifts to change the way factories run. When you have more flexibility, you can serve your employees and end-users better. Lean on Component Packaging to fill your gaps and help you build an efficient system. It also keeps your expenses lower as we account for all the additional or unexpected packaging costs in our price.

Adding value

We know we have talked about adding value to your end-users, but we are here to help you better serve your clients and customers. We help you fulfill those precise instructions for kits for the number of installs the client needs or the type of bags they need. This is something the client may not even know they need or can get for their operations. It’s a service we allow you to offer them without a hitch in the process. It’s logical to do it while we have your materials.

We account for every one of the extra costs and systemize our process to combat and minimize our own expense, so we know how to make the most out of the time we have with your product. When we worry about the packaging, you can focus on the quality of the product you are providing your customer.

Whatever it takes! We will take care of you. Choose us for your packaging solutions:

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